Substance abuse is the use of illegal drugs or the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications in ways other than recommended or intended. This includes the intentional inhalation of household or industrial chemicals for their mind-altering effects.
 Causes of Substance Abuse
Factors such as peer pressure, physical and sexual abuse, early exposure to drugs, stress, and parental guidance can greatly affect a person's mood. Probability of using and depending on drugs. Development. Genetic and
environmental factors interact with critical developmental stages in a person's life to influence risk of addiction.

Main types of drug abuse Marijuana use. Cocaine use. Heroin use. Methamphetamine use. Nicotine use (cigarettes and smokeless tobacco) Use of inhalants.

 Hallucinogen Use Anabolic Steroid Use Effects on Your Brain Your brain is wired to want you to repeat experiences that make you feel good. This motivates you to do it over and over again.
Addictive drugs attack your brain's reward system.

They flood your brain with a chemical called dopamine. This triggers an intense feeling of pleasure. You keep taking the drug to get that high.
Over time, your brain gets used to the extra dopamine. Therefore, you may need to take more medication to get the same good feeling.

And other things you used to enjoy, such as eating and spending time with family, you may find less enjoyable.
If you take drugs for a long time, they can also cause changes in other circuits and chemicals systems cause the brain. They can damage:
Decision Making
Learning Together,
these brain changes can lead you to seek out drugs and use them in ways that are beyond your control.
Who is most likely to become dependent? Each person's body and brain is different.

People also react differently to drugs. Some love the feeling on the first try and want more. Others hate it and never try again.
Not everyone who uses drugs becomes addicted. But it can happen to anyone and at any age.

Some things can increase your risk of addiction, including:
Family history. Your genes are responsible for about half of your chances. If your parents or siblings have alcohol or drug problems, chances are you will too. Women and men are equally likely to become dependent. Previous drug use.

Children's brains are still growing and using drugs can change that. Therefore, using drugs at a young age can increase the likelihood of becoming addicted later in life. Mental disorders. If you're depressed, have trouble paying attention, or worry all the time, you're at higher risk of addiction. You may turn to drugs to feel better.

A history of trauma in your life also increases the likelihood of becoming dependent. Troubled Relationships If you grew up with family problems and are not in close contact with your parents or siblings, your risk of addiction may increase.
Signs of Addiction You may have one or more of these warning signs:
An urgent need to take the drug every day or several times a day. Taking more medication than you want and for longer periods of time from what I thought you were taking Drugs and buy them even if you can't afford them. Use drugs even if they cause you problems at work or cause you to attack family and friends. Spend more time alone. or do dangerous things like drive high. Spend most of your time getting the drug, using it, or recovering from the effects. Nausea when you try to leave her. get help now If your drug use is getting out of control or causing problems, talk to your doctor.
Recovering from drug addiction can take time. There is no cure, but treatment can help you stop using drugs and stay drug-free.

We have various testing products such as the :

MultiDrug Rapid Round Cup 6-drug4mm - 25 Tests and THC Saliva Drug Testing Cup - 25 Tests

Click here to view our range of drug abuse tests that we have available.